WCF Custom Membership Provider...

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by qzzf1w, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Wanting to use a X509 Cert. Becuase I am using a custom Membership Provider.

    COnfigured the following on my local dev machine to work with a
    self generated cert.

    Bought a RapidSSL cert for my site. Not sure if this works in the
    for a service cert?

    ANyways, what do I need to do/buy/setup to cofigure a
    wcf service using a custom membership provider

    <serviceCertificate findValue="localhost" storeLocation="LocalMachine" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" storeName="My" />
    <userNameAuthentication userNamePasswordValidationMode="MembershipProvider" />
  2. Ray


    I'm afraid we cannot support custom certificates. This is to the inherent challenges brought forth in a shared hosting environment and how we have structured accounts to host multiple site accounts.
  3. Securing WCF Services...

    So, what is your recomendation for Securing WCF srvices under Winhost???

    Or are you saying that all WCF Services have to be unsecured on Winhost???
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  4. Ray


    It all depends on the web service you are calling to. If the web service you are calling to is out of our network and that server has SSL then you should be able to code the address/endpoints with "https://". That will put it in a secured connection.

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