Search engine ranking and subdirectories?

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by Solomondial, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. Hi,
    I was wondering about something lately.
    If the search engines have documented a website for years being, for instance, and now, being on the windows server, parked in a subdirectory, with domain alias pointing and the script and all of that,
    and it is now,
    will the search engines regard this as a totally different file
    and start from scratch in the ranking?

  2. Ray


    Each search engine is different so you'll need to decide which search engine you are going to concentrate on. But in general I believe the full URL can affect the ranking status of your site.
  3. A redirect to your site will almost always have a negative impact on search engine ranking. If SEO is important to you, the direct URL is better.

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