RazorSQL login failed for user

Discussion in 'Databases' started by 0000148, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Connection can be made SSMS and there is a database present, and the proper JDBC drivers are selected for Server 2008 R2, but this beast fails login and also fails to state why. Is it possible an ASP bridge is required?

    "Many times, web hosting providers include SQL Server as part of their hosting packages, but do not allow users to connect to the SQL Server database from a remote location. This forces users to use a web based application to access their SQL Server database instance, or resort to complex solutions such as SSH tunneling.....

    "The RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge allows users to connect to a SQL Server database with the simple deployment of a ASP page, and allows them to get the added functionality of a desktop application like RazorSQL as opposed to the limited functionality of web-based database access. And since the bridge operates over standard HTTP or HTTPS ports, there are no firewall or ISP blocking issues to worry about.....

    "The RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge provides the ability for users to interact with a SQL Server database without making a direct connection to the database. Instead, the user connects to the RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge, which then connects to the database. The RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge is a ASP program that can be deployed on any web server that supports ASP and has the necessary ADO libraries installed. Since the ASP page resides on the hosting provider's web server, even if remote access is disabled on the SQL Server database, the ASP page will still be able to connect...."

    I searched WH forums and the Knowledgebase but nothing comes up for RazorSQL (unless I missed it).
  2. RazorSQL works. My db was inadvertently detached from the Winhost server (not a good thing) and broke the site, in addition to locking out database management in CP.

    But RazorSQL does not create relationship views like DbSchema or Nucleon's Database Master. It is very nice otherwise.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  3. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Thanks for posting the follow up, and glad you got it working.
  4. RazorSQL works. I had inadvertently detached the db on the Winhost server (not a good thing) and broke the site, in addition to locking all db mangement features in CP.

    I rushed to use the official MS sqljdbc drivers before realizing the db was detached. I am sure it works with the OOTB drivers.

    But RazorSQL does not have relational diagrams UI like DbSchema or Nucleon's Databse Master.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015

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