I have moved a working site developed in ASP using a MS access table from a MS Web Server 2003 to Webhost. I can not get it to work. We were hoping that since we know little about the internal workings of the site that we could move it intact and have it continue to work. Our config.asp: strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("\db\snitz_forums_2000.mdb") Our login application: dataconnection1 = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=e:\web\klbrorg0\db\snitz_forums_2000.mdb;" & _ "User Id=;" & _ "Password=;" I installed remote IIS and set the data path to match the application. The login application runs normally but does not return any data from the table. I assume since it was running fine that I have missed something in the configuration here. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
Are you sure you are connecting to your database? Try writing a simple application by itself as a test, and query one of the tables directly.