Max Connections

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Ktulu, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Is there a limit to the amount of users I can have connected at once on my ASP application, on your servers? The application has been working properly with 2-3 users, now that I've added more, at time I cannot reach the logon page at random times. The website pings ok, but it just hangs there for up to 10 minutes at the time. I have set my session state as such:
    <sessionState timeout="20" mode="InProc" cookieless="false"/>
    <siteMap enabled="true">
    for 20 minutes of no activity, the default value, should that be lower?

    If there is a limit, since I have the lowest package with you guys, is there a way to increase that limit? and how much will it cost?
  2. Exceeding the maximum connections wouldn't cause a long hang like you describe, it would cause an error. Also "connections" doesn't equal users on the site. A connection is made when a file is requested and that connection is closed when the file is delivered.

    An application time out also would not cause a long hang. Unless your application takes 10 minutes to load, which is very unlikely.

    So you might want to look at the application itself (or database queries) to see if you can find something that is causing the long periods of unresponsiveness.
  3. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  4. Thank you for the reply.

    Now that I read the article I recognize the odd connection loss as an IIS process being recycled. So that answered another question I had. The only issue is that I can ping the website, and once it does connect it appears to be working relatively quickly. It usually only does this at peak times, and, peak time for internet usage are the same as peak times for my app... I will switch to SQL server session state, but I see that you recommend a dedicated db, so my account will have to be updated. I'll pass this along to the client and try this way.

    So, basically, there is nothing on the server side that would limit the amount of concurrent connections? If that is the case, I will concentrate on the app.
  5. rum

    rum Winhost Staff

    I recommend to open a ticket with the support department through the portal at so we can take a look at the logs and see if your application pool is being recycled and for what reason.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  6. Ok, after a bit of research, I am rather confident that the application "hanging" is due to the server being slow. I am near Toronto, so it is not local. I haven't ran any tracerts so I'm not 100% sure where the congestion is, but the 3 hour difference makes sense for the "rush hour". The application runs well at any other time, I'm not sure if anything can be done regarding this (likely not).

    The secondary issue, with the In-Proc... Do you guys offer the "StateServer" sessionstate option? I have found a few answers on the net regarding this. here's a good link:

    This was a stress test on the application, and I'm not too concerned. I think the next stage requires at the very least a more local server, and possibly a dedicated one as well.

    I just want to thank you guys for the time and support.

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