Mailbox 86% Full - Okay, but where??

Discussion in 'Email' started by DJGray, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. All week I have been getting an email message from the system telling me that my mailbox is 86% full and that my mail is being blocked. I've emptied spam, sent, and deleted mail and my inbox is less than 20 messages. I deleted a number of folders with saved mail. There a likely less than 20 messages there as well.

    Where else can I look? 86% is a LOT! I'd expect it to be pretty obvious what's clogging up the mailbox. Any suggestions?
  2. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    I think you opened up a support ticket already for this, but to inform others, try checking your email mailbox quota.

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