Lets Encrypt - Automated Certificate Issuance And Installation

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by Alex Kintner, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. Hi, I'm looking into getting a Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for my modest Basic website. I understand I need to upgrade to a Winhost Max account to install it.

    The Lets Encrypt (link below) says that some hosting providers have support for automatic re-issuance and installation of their certificates which expire every 90 days. Winhost is not on the list of hosting providers that support that automated re-issuance. They recommend the free Certbot ACME client to automate this.

    So is there any plan to set that automation up for Winhost?

    I know you can already use Lets Encrypt on Winhost. But the maintenance aspect looks laborious if it needs to be done every 90 days.
  2. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    You are welcome to use any cert you want, including letsencrypt. At this time there is no plan to set up automation for letsencrypt.
  3. Ok, thanks for the quick reply curtis.

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