Is the database servers down? My site,, cannot get any data from the Sql Server databases. How do I raise this issue with tech support?
I am having trouble too. I dont know how to get rid of that yellow screen and replace it with an error message like you do. I hope they fix this soon, my client has already called me on this twice today.
Mine too. It was down from 3pm EST (possibly earlier), until about 3:45pm, right before you just now.
Btw, my front page only captures database connection errors. I can't display a custom message if the server itself is down. It works in a simple try catch block in the Page_load() event, which I'm assuming you can duplicate in MVC4. Code: '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' This is the first thing that happens in the Page_load() event '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Try to pull data from the database and display it '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suProcessNews() Catch ex As Exception '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' If it fails for any reason (usually a database connection issue), then create an ' error message and display that instead '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim sbError As New StringBuilder sbError.Append("<br>EGADS! <br><br>HeroClix World is running into some technical issues! ") Me.lblNewsPage1.Text = sbError.ToString '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Make other panels invisible '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- panelStuffYouLike.Visible = False panelQOTD.Visible = False panelAbout.Visible = False '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' put EXIT SUB here, so it leaves the page_load() event without doing anything else '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit Sub End Try
Thanks! I use try/catch blocks....but I am self-taught, I didn't realize you could do this. Currently I just send an email to myself Thank you!