Is the database servers down?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by The Le, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Is the database servers down? My site,, cannot get any data from the Sql Server databases. How do I raise this issue with tech support?
  2. I am having trouble too. I dont know how to get rid of that yellow screen and replace it with an error message like you do. I hope they fix this soon, my client has already called me on this twice today.
  3. Are your using per chance?
  4. Yes, database is working again :)
  5. Mine too. It was down from 3pm EST (possibly earlier), until about 3:45pm, right before you just now.
  6. Btw, my front page only captures database connection errors. I can't display a custom message if the server itself is down. It works in a simple try catch block in the Page_load() event, which I'm assuming you can duplicate in MVC4.

            ' This is the first thing that happens in the Page_load() event
                ' Try to pull data from the database and display it
            Catch ex As Exception
                ' If it fails for any reason (usually a database connection issue), then create an
                ' error message and display that instead
                Dim sbError As New StringBuilder
                sbError.Append("<br>EGADS! <br><br>HeroClix World is running into some technical issues! ")
                Me.lblNewsPage1.Text = sbError.ToString
                ' Make other panels invisible
                panelStuffYouLike.Visible = False
                panelQOTD.Visible = False
                panelAbout.Visible = False
                ' put EXIT SUB here, so it leaves the page_load() event without doing anything else
                Exit Sub
            End Try
  7. Thanks! I use try/catch blocks....but I am self-taught, I didn't realize you could do this. Currently I just send an email to myself :) Thank you!

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