How to use "Jobs" function in MS SQL

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by 0001967, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. How to create "Schedule" in MS SQL

    I need to create "SqlServer" mode in "SESSION" for ASPX site. To delete expired session in a table, I has to setup a Schedule to run a Store procedure. However I cannot find setup on control panel or by using SQL management studio. If I have to pay, please give me a detail.
  2. Ray


    Features such as scheduling a job on the server are not available. However, I will make sure I bring this up in our meeting as one of the customers featured request.

    Your sessions should only be stored on the server at a preconfigured time dictated by your coding. The session timeout setting should tell the SQL server when to delete the session from the table. Have you checked the session timeout setting and make sure that it is coded to the correct value?

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