I was able to make back-ups of my data, bi-weekly using the Generate Scripts Wizard. As I tried to load up the last back-up it failed. I got errors on the load, and only 1/12 of my tables. So I tried to generate the scripts again, and now it hangs up and eventualy fails on the last item in database. I tried exporting each item as it's own file to determine exactly where an issue happens and it happens on the second table in my database. Any ideas?
I ran it this am, and I had no difficulties. File loaded with no problems either. If I have another problem I will post the message. Is there a problem when you run it while people are using it? Is there a way to schedule this to run, say at 11 pm each night?
There can be a problem depending on how the database is created and the relationship restrictions you imposed on it. You can set it to be a single user mode so only you at that time can use the database. Simply run the command... Alter Database [database_name] SET Single_user with rollback immediate Then when you are done with the script run... Alter Database [database_name] SET Multi_user
When I tried to set it too Single User it told me I didn't have permissions. The I took it offline, not good, locks you right out. But when I ran the generate scripts, before I tried any of the above, I get "Messages * Internal Conenction fatal error. (System.data)"
Did you type Use [type your database name here without the brackets] You can bring your database back online. Go to MS DOS and use the sqcmd command c:\>sqlcmd -S [sql server] -U [db username] -P [db password] then type alter database [database name] set online then type... go
Ok, I ran the command on the DB_2589_BlackHeart database and it locked me out. I couldn't get in from the SSMS, or the command line. I just tried the command line when it was back up, and all works fine. I will try next time I can take the database down for a couple hours, but I did this during production time, bad bad.
We have a new backup/restore feature for our databases. Instead of using the Database Publishing Wizard to script and run your database to our SQL server trying using the restore feature. Try looking at this kb article. http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a771/how-do-i-generate-or-restore-a-backup-of-my-database.aspx