Hi, Is there a way I can download the SQL Server backups I create(.bak files). and Is there some way I can schedule the execution of an asp.net page or program? Is there some unix-line cron tool, or a workaround you might suggest? Thanks
I'm afraid we do not have a way to schedule jobs to have the server trigger a script. But I'll be sure to mention this feature to our product developement team.
task scheduling Hello, This is the only thing (lack of ability to schedule a task ) that keeps me from signing with you. If you look at discountasp.net (https://support.discountasp.net/KB/a166/scheduled-task-manager.aspx?KBSearchID=76704) they offer this type of service. When you'll implement this option I'll gladly switch to Winhost. Your forum moderators seem very knowledgeable and ready to help. Thank you, Paul
I can only bring this up to our managers and let them know that our customers are looking for a similar product/feature.