Connect to database

Discussion in 'Databases' started by Sealight, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Website:
    Can someone please help me to get his connection to work? I have tried for weeks no and cannot sort it out. I have followed the instruction and help topics in the forum and the knowledgebase, but not well enough. The FTP Login is: Username: svenhenr and password is: *******. The username I registered for as a user on the site is: Username: Sealight and password: *******. If someone get it to work I can change the login information later.
    Database Name: DB_2347_logme
    Database Server:
    Database User: DB_2347_logme_user
    Database Password: *******
    Assigned Quota: 25 MB
    Usage: 2 MB

    "Data;Initial Catalog=DB_2347_logme;User ID=DB_2347_logme_user;Password=******;Integrated Security=False;"

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  2. I removed your password from the post. If someone wants to assist, you should send sensitive information via private message.
  3. Ray


    What exactly is the problem. What are the error messages and what are the instructions so we can replicate it on our end.
  4. I have resolved my problem and can now comunicate with the database.
    I tried this: <remove name=Applicationsystem> to <add name=sqlserver>
    And with the right connectionstring I can now log in.
    Thanks for reply and the solution was in your tutorials and reading some help topics on MS ASP.NET official sites.
    Regards, Sven
  5. Ray


    Glad you worked it out.

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