Cannot uninstall/remove Drupal files

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by MAKdev, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Tried installing Acquia Drupal 7 via the App Installer (Using mySQL)
    Had some difficulties and decided to remove it and start anew.

    Dropped the tables in mySQL, and tried to remove the appdirectory.

    the "sites" folder doesn't delete
    505 access denied for files
    /sites/default/settings.php and

    "QaD" work-around: renamed the "sites"-folder.

    BUT: hate QaD and leaving loose ends!

    Any ideas how gain acccess to remove these files?

    All suggestions welcome! Thank you!
  2. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Please open up a support ticket to have us reset your permissions and/or remove the files for you.

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