Blogengine and metaweblog.axd

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by GygerPeter, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. When i upload a post to Blogengine.NET with metaweblog.axd it works.
    But when i click on this post on my website i get a error 404.
    With the Tool Fiddler i see the Reason:
    BE is looking for the "post" directory direct under the root of the blogengine.
    But the Directory "posts" is in the Folder "App_data"
    When i write my post direct with BE i have no error.
    So it's clear the problem is only depend from metaweblog.axd.
    When i create a folder "post" in theo root of my domain and upload with word and metaweblog.axd hi find the empty directory.
    That looks like Word has no Rights to write. But with Filezilla i gave the right zu write for Subfolders to.

    Again my Question: Why write Word wit metaweblog.axd in the wrong - not exists - Directory


    How can i configure that??
    Please help me with a information
  2. Hi
    On the CodePlex Site from BE i became the answer.
    It's a error and it is solved with version

    ComputerMan likes this.
  3. Glad you figured it out, thanks for posting the answer.

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