A more secure way to connect to SQL Server at Winhost?

Discussion in 'Databases' started by cwy2019, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. I have a SQL Server database at Winhost that I connect to via user id and password, with a DSN string that looks like this:


    Everytime I make a connection, I expose my UID and PWD. Is there a more secure way? Is there an alternate way of connection that doesn't require passwords?

    When I connect to a local SQL Server database, I use an "authenticated connection" from Windows. And the resulting DSN has no password in it:

    ODBC;DSN=sqlsvr_local;Description=sqlsvr_local;UID=********;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office;DATABASE=********;

    Is there a way to connect to a remote database with a similar advantage in security?

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