Has anyone used them for the certificate(s)? If so, must we use at least a Class 2 or can a Class 1 work? Based on the KB instructions, I'm not sure how to do this with StartSSL because they never asked for the CSR from Winhost. Perhaps that's because we started with a Class 1 certificate. Thanks, Tim
I don't think we can support this Class 1 certificate from StartSSL. It looks like both the public and private key will have to be imported and probably also the intermediate certificate will also have to be installed.
Thanks for the reply Ray. I didn't think so. I did read the articles in the KB but who do you suggest? And exactly which one will we need. The cheaper ones only offer domain verification. Is that good enough? Thanks, Tim
It will really depend on what you are doing with your web application. If you are merely encrypting the connections so that members can read some of your post then domain verification is good enough, but if you are doing some heavy ecommerce activity then you should pay higher cost for the more expensive certificates. After all its only fair. Some of the SSL authoriting/providers out there is Thawte, RapidSSL, or Verisign. I believe Thawte maybe the cheapest one out of all of them. http://www.thawte.com/