Site is down, unable to reach supprt

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Mehrdad, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    Since this morning, I am unable to access my site Browser, ping, FTP, all time out.
    I am able to access control panel, but when attempting to access "Support", I am getting time outs. This is why I am posting a message here.

    Could someone please let me know what is going on?
  2. I have three sites also down since about 3am central.
  3. Sunday morning there was a heavy DDoS that targeted our network. Unfortunately, when a DDoS passes a certain point there isn't anything we can do to negate the negative impact on the network.

    Also, as you might imagine, we don't have a lot of people in the office at 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning, so the people who were here were a little overwhelmed and may not have been able to keep you posted as much as we would have liked.

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