programmatically Back up data base?

Discussion in 'Databases' started by delphilord, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Cannot open backup device 'E:\web\rozalint\App_Data\21022013_042544.Bak'. Operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).

    Just want to know It is becuase sql proccess has not permission to access this folder or do I some thing wrong?
    any way to proggramatically Backup database from code ?
  2. Programmatically Backup and DOWNLOAD

    Currently there's an ability to use the manual backup and download method:

    1. Site Manager -> MS SQL Manager -> Manage -> Backup Database
    2. It then backs up DB to : /App_Data/dbname_backup.bak
    3. FTP Download from /App_Data.

    There's another way that is incomplete:

    1. Via T-SQL:

    BACKUP DATABASE [<dbname>]

    TO DISK = N'd:\dbbackup\userdb\<user_dir>\<dbname>.bak'

    WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'<backup_name>', <options>
    2. I would LOVE to have a way to programmatically FTP-download it!

    This feature would allow developers to create meaningful periodic database download client-side software.
  3. currently you cannot use code to create and download a MS SQL backup file because your SQL database is on a physically separate server.

    TSQL scripts used to generate the backup will run, but the resulting backup will not be accessible because the SQL server does not have a FTP service, and you do not have access to it's file structure.

    I suggest that you make a post in our Suggestions/Ideas sub forum, when the marketing team see sufficient demand for this feature they will try to implement it.

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