I have trouble connecting with iis 7. my error is: "Could not connect to the specified computer" my data: server name: lenceriaweb.cl website: lenceriaweb.cl says: Connecting to "lenceriaweb.cl/lenceriaweb.cl" Please I need your help. Thank you.
yeah, I'm sure, but i've never been able to connect to the server, i am a beginner... PD: sorry for my English, I speak Spanish.
Try performing a ping and telnet test to lenceriaweb.cl. On your computer go to your MS DOS command prompt. Typically you can go to Start/Run at the bottom of the left hand side of your desk top, than type cmd In MS DOS type... ping lenceriaweb.cl Tell me exactly what you see, better yet copy and paste the results on this thread. Then run this command... telnet lenceriaweb.cl 8172 Copy and paste the results here.
Ping: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>ping lenceriaweb.cl Haciendo ping a lenceriaweb.cl [] con 32 bytes de datos: Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=214ms TTL=115 Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=215ms TTL=115 Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=211ms TTL=115 Respuesta desde bytes=32 tiempo=212ms TTL=115 Estadísticas de ping para Paquetes: enviados = 4, recibidos = 4, perdidos = 0 (0% perdidos), Tiempos aproximados de ida y vuelta en milisegundos: Mínimo = 211ms, Máximo = 215ms, Media = 213ms Telnet: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>telnet lenceriaweb.cl 8172 Conectándose a lenceriaweb.cl...No se puede abrir la conexión al host, en puerto 8172: Error en la conexión
The telnet results shows that port 8172 is being blocked. This port needs to be open so you can connect to our web server using IIS 7 Manager. Try bypassing your firewall and/or router, or talk with your network adminsitrator and have them open this port on your network.