Hello I have this error in stage three of NopCommerce setup even after I entered the correct data base name in Use an existing empty database/Existing database name: , I didn't check any of the boxes. Here is the Set up log error. An error occured: There is already an object named 'Nop_CustomerRole' in the database. Running scripts from file: E:\web\mocodego\install\Scripts\nopCommerce_createDatabase.sql Any suggestions?
It looks like the NopCommerce tables and objects are already installed on the SQL server you are trying to attach to? How many times have you tried installing NopCommerce? A lot of people make the mistake of installing it once, and reinstalling it again with out cleaning out the database. On Winhost cleaning out the database is really easy. Simply delete the database and recreate it using the same database name, the same database user name, and the same database password. Remember, if you do not type the same information for the database, your connection string on your code will be off.
NopCommerce Cnnection String Error Clearing out the database worked but I ended up getting this connection string error. What do you suggest? The installer couldn't update the ConnectionStrings.config file on your server. This may be caused by limited file system permissions. Please open your ConnectionStrings.config file manually in Notepad and add the following line inside the <connectionStrings></connectionStrings>: <add name="NopSqlConnection" connectionString="Data Source=***.Winhost.com;Initial Catalog=DB_*****_************; Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=DB_*****_************_user;Password=*********;MultipleActiveResultSets=True; Connect Timeout=120"/>
Try downloading and installing a FTP client such as FileZilla. Once you are connected you can navigate to that configuration file and change the connection string mannually. http://filezilla-project.org/download.php http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a660/configuring-filezilla-to-access-your-web-site.aspx Another possible way of updating the connection string is using IIS 7 Manager. You may need to download and install IIS 7 Manager on your computer from Microsoft's website. But once connected, look for the button Connection Strings and you can change the connection strings from there. http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a628/using-the-microsoft-iis-70-manager.aspx
This look as nopCommerce 1.9 or less and you need to Set permission "Read" and "Write" to 1. "images" folder 2. "images/thumbs" folder 3. "ConnectionStrings.config" If you are working with v2.x set permission to App_Data, or see documentation ---- Osmar www.omdsite.com