I have used the AppInstaller in the control panel to install nopCommerce. It seems to completer successfully. When I attempt to go to the site to configure it I get the following error We're sorry, an internal error occurred. Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience. I have tried this a couple times and keep getting the same thing. I checked the web.config file and it has the ,trust level="Full" /> statement under system.web. Is nopcommerce still supported? I never get far enough to be sure. Everybody I talked to about Winhost said that it was supported and there shouldn't be any problems moving or setting up a new nopcommerce site. The URL is www.bigyellowtomcat.com/nopcommerce. I have the MAX plan with server 2012 and IIS8. ASP version is 4.x. I am not sure where tyo go from here but I need to ket this up.
Ohh I remember your issue. You're issue was coming from the root's web.config settings propagation down to your child application's web.config file. If I remember correctly I provided you with the following link on how to prevent inheritance here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...ld-web-application-using-inheritinchildapplic