How to Fix Security WCF Error

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by Essame, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. i have uploaded my services to the server the services work all right on my local machine those services use code that connect to other web sites on the internet to get results and i can obtain the results from the services
    when i run them locally but when i upload the services to the server the operations that connect to other websites on internet just like google
    those operation give me message access denied please check the following URL "" this is my WCF service all the methods work and obtain the results when the service runs on my localhsot u can test the service using the WCFtestClient tool just run the visual studio command line and type wcftestclient
    after that the tool will download the service and u will see method with name GetData u can invoke this method and the method will work fine because this method just return string but the other methods just like doSearch if u invoke it will return access denied because this method connects to google website on the internet so tell me what can i do????
  2. FredC

    FredC Winhost Staff

    what is the exact error?

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