I've gotten my files uploaded for two different domains and have the domains in the domains list... how do I set up the folders as app folders?
Try looking at this kb article. http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a635/what-is-the-application-starting-point-tool.aspx
OK. I get it but here's what I don't like (or understand). I really don't get unlimited domain names (really)..I get unlimited number of domain pointers. Because if I truly got unlimited domain names then when someone typed "www.townmvideo.com" it wouldn't change the web address to be www.dcolgan.com/townmvideo Or am I missing something that hides this
True, however the person going to my website doesn't see the domain pointer... but they do see that the web address has changed and it no longer says "townmvideo.com" it says "www.dcolgan.com/townmvideo/default.aspx"... I think your promotional material should be changed to reflect that so a person doesn't think they are getting something but in reality they are not. With a subdomain... its expected... with a true domain that shouldn't be the case at all.
If your main site is mainsite.com and your domain pointer is domainpointer.com. Then using similar code like http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a649/how-to-redirect-a-subdomain-to-a-subdirectory.aspx - when someone types domainpointer.com in their browswer - they are redirected and they see domainpointer.com/domainpointer/default.aspx in their browser. The domain pointer domain doesn't change to your main site domain.
It was my experience that when I had the account set up as main domain: www.dcolgan.com and then had a domain pointer for www.townmvideo.com... I had created a folder for townm under the root and set up the domain pointer for www.townmvideo.com to point to it. When I entered www.townmvideo.com...the address bar changed to www.dcolgan.com/townm/default.aspx instead of www.townmvideo.com... This is what I'm trying to understand. Maybe I'm not doing it right but I've read the support article and entered the code exactly as directed. What did I miss from what you are explaining?
Actually that is correct. Bacause the path to the web page is inside a folder called townm then it will show this in the URL townm/default.aspx. You can mask this URL by peforming a URL rewrite, but of course this will require some more coding. You may want to try using IIS 7 URL Rewrite module to help you rewrite your URL's. http://ruslany.net/2009/04/10-url-rewriting-tips-and-tricks/