I have a domain, 'blahblahblah.com'. I have a subdomain, 'labs', intended for proof of concept type projects. The POC subdomain, 'labs.blahblahblah.com', contains projects and folders I do not want exposed to the main site. For example, one project is accessible by visiting 'https://labs.blahblahblah.com/labs/project1'. Unfortunately, I can also access it by going to 'https://www.blahblahblah.com/labs/project1', if I ignore the SSL certificate warning. How do I ensure project1 is accessible only from the labs subdomain and access from all others, including www, is prohibited?
you can use the membership/roles provider in ASP.Net to do this. Below i have included our knowledge base article on completing this along with an article from codeproject.com https://support.Winhost.com/KB/a619/how-to-configure-the-aspnet-membershiproles-provider.aspx http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/281573/ASP-NET-Membership-and-Role-Provider