Hi I'm trying to get some MVC apps hosted in subfolders on my main site im really struggling to get ANYTHING from the guys on support :-( So I wanted to have.... Root_Folder/Site1 Site2 Site3 I have purchased the domain name site1.co.uk site2.co.uk site3.co.uk Andy they all point to that folder (I know this and have tested it) I want to have 3 MVC applications that work the following way..... site1.co.uk/home/index site2.co.uk/home/index site3.co.uk/home/index I have a standard aspx file in the Root_Folder that has redirect on it so.... if (Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Contains("site1.co.uk")) { Response.Redirect("/site1/home/index"); } else if (Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Contains("site2.co.uk")) { Response.Redirect("/site2/home/index"); } else if (Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Contains("site3.com")) { Response.Redirect("/site3/home/index"); } It redirects me okay to the following url http://site1.co.uk/site1/home/index But I just CANNOT get the MVC site to load I just get a directory listing or a 404! I have added the route... routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "site1/{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); To the sub applications but that doesnt help. Can someone give me a nudge as to how to set up MVC as sub-applications?
This is a standard Redirect Script, something as sophisticated as MVC, may require a little more complex such as using the IIS URL Rewrite module.