FrontPage extensions

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by japinthebox, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Do you think we'll ever have FrontPage extensions available? It's a little cumbersome to have to upload via FTP every time we want to publish a site through VS.

    Edit: Looks like you can also just use FTP instead of HTTP when you create a new website. Sorry if I missed that.
  2. Ray


    I really don't see it in the future. Bare in mind that FrontPage Server Extension is really an old technology. I've seen it do some really weird stuff to the NTFS permission. It actually creates more of a headache then what it is really worth.
  3. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    No, there are no plans to support frontpage because Microsoft has gotten rid of frontpage from their product line. We don't want to keep supporting technology that is out of date with no support.
  4. The reason I ask is because Visual Studio 2008 still uses it to run web projects over HTTP. So I think MS is still dealing with FrontPage Extensions, if not FrontPage itself.

    FTP also seems to sort of work, but I suspect that it's a bit watered down. Can't say for sure because I haven't deployed anything on a remote webhost in a while.
  5. Re: FrontPage and Microsoft discontinuing support:

    As of December 18, 2010, Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) 2002 is not supported on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 RTM and is no longer available for download. Instead, use an alternative IIS technology, such as Web Deploy, FTP publishing service, or WebDAV extension.
  6. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    That is great to hear!

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