Download percent

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Renaud, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Hello,
    when a file exceed a certain size (not sure what's the limit, but it does it at 5.06mb) the download percent is not shown. Files stays at 0% until its finally completed. I'm guessing the file size is not being sent, and so the website can't figure the % left?

    In anycase, is there anyway to fix that?

    Thank you for your time~
  2. so i tried to find the limit
    4.02mb is too much
    3.92mb is was good

    Guess the limit is 4mb :/

    Any one has a clue?
    (Really hard to google stuff about downloading large file T_T)
  3. ...and what exactly is this 'download percentage' you were referring to?
  4. in ie i see "X MB of app.xap downloaded" instead of "X% of app.xap downloaded"
    in chrome the download ball turns restlessly instead of filling itself
    in ff:

    Normally that would only be a minor inconvenience, but since it's a silverlight app, its just shows "Loading ...0%" until its done. I'm worried some people may leave thinking its simply not loading at all
  5. ..interesting, I never have noticed it :D

    I suppose its a native behavior of the browser itself and not something you can control from your app.
  6. That's possible, however I have downloaded larger file with no problem before, and when the app was uploaded on a different server, it loaded properly.

    So i'm guessing (and hoping!) there is a setting somewhere? :S

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