Hello, I have a couple questions regarding your hosting plans: Is it possible to run an ASP.NET application with the Session State mode set to StateServer instead of InProc on your service? If so, would my account have it's own ASP.NET State Service that wouldn't have to be shared with other customer's accounts? Also, if I had multiple domains/websites on one account, and multiple domains used StateServer setting for Session State, would they need to share one ASP.NET State Service? (I am considering to start with your basic plan). Thanks for your help.
I'm afraid StateServer Session do not work well with a shared hosting environment. We only support Inproc or SQL sessions. But I think you are looking to make sure that your application resides in its own pool and cannot be affected by other web applications from other customers. With that yes we do offer. Each account will come with its own isolated application pool so that it is secured and protected from ther web applications. However, if you plan to host multiple websites or web applications under that one Site Account then you will be running it under one application pool. If you need to host a website with its own application pool, root folder, ASPNet IUSR, and FTP user then you will need to order it as its own separate Site Account.