I have established a database on Winhost that has several tables already created, and when I tried to create a Link to SQL Class from these tables in Web Developer the result was a class that returned no object methods to program against. Are we able to create a Linq to SQL Class from Web Developer that is connected directly to a SQL database on Winhost?
Yes you are, but the symptoms you are having sounds like your connection string is not coded correctly to connect to our SQL server. I suggest you double check your connection string.
Great call you were correct! I did not include the "tcp:" in front of the server name when I created the server connection in Database Explorer. It's odd that I have been querying tables and connecting/viewing/modifying tables in database explorer fine up to this point. What does the "tcp:" in form of the server name have to do with Linq not be able to create a data class from the original connection that I was using? Thanks. Shawn
Typically you will not need it depending on the provider/drivers you use but the tcp in front just ensures that the connection is using the TCP protocol instead of named pipes or some other protocol SQL can use.