Backing up your local SQL Server database with Management Studio

Discussion in 'Databases' started by rum, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. rum

    rum Winhost Staff

    • Connect to your local SQL Server database with Management Studio
    • Open Object Explorer if it is not opened yet by hitting 'F8' key and navigate to your database.
    • Right-click the database, point to "Tasks," and select "Back Up."


    • On the "General" page of Back Up Database window verify the "Database" name in the drop-down box is set to the database you want to back up. Set the "Backup type" to 'Full'; select "Database" radio button under "Backup component" label; Leave the Options under "Backup set" sections as they are.
    • In the "Destination" section select Backup to "Disk" radio button and set the destination of your backup ending up with a file name with .BAK extension.
    • Make sure you choose only one destination directory. Remove all destinations if there are any and click the "Add" button
    • Click the "..." button and navigate to the desired destination where you want your backup to be saved
    • Give your backup a name with a .BAK extension, e.g. AdventureWorks.BAK. Click OK, then OK again


    • Go to "Option" page and select "Overwrite all existing backup sets" radio button.
    • Under Reliability section, check "Verify backup when finished" and "Perform checksum before writing to media" check-boxes.
    • If you are running Enterprise or Developer versions of SQL Server 2008, you can select "Compress Backup" under Compression settings.


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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015

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