web application locks some dll files and cannot transfer

Discussion in 'FTP' started by jabarkas, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. Hey there,

    When I go to update my site through FileZilla, often one or more of my web app's dlls will fail to transfer. Usually it will be EntityFramework.dll in my MVC3 application, but it seems pretty random. It does not happen every time.

    I am in the habit of closing and reopening FileZilla and re-queing files. Sometimes it takes me 15 minutes of this to finally transfer the file over and as a result my site is down for a long time.

    Is there any way that I can unlock files in my web application, update the site, and then lock them?

    If I upgrade my package to allow Web Deploy and IIS management, would it be easier for me to get around this issue?
  2. The only reason file being locked is when its still in use by your application instances when you try to modify it (Either live app on the server or by your local computer instance)

    My suggestion is to recycle the application pool first and then use drop application / take your application offline as shows here

    Winhost Basic does give you access to IIS management and Web Deploy feature.
  3. Hey thanks. That's a good tip for covering myself in case of downtime.
    I think Winhost has gotten a lot better in the past year. I don't remember basic having iis management before and i couldn't get web deploy working from VS 2008 or 2010. I see there are lots of new knowledge support articles and i should have checked there first.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015

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