Use Heroku applicatioin

Discussion in 'DNS/Domain names' started by Guillaume, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Hi all
    I've got a registered domain with Winhost. How could I make this domain point to a Heroku application ? Thanks !
  2. Is this application being hosted here or elsewhere?

    If the application is hosted here, then simply add the domain as a Domain Pointer for your hosting account using your Control Panel and then implement redirection in your root to point it to the application location.

    If the Heroku application is being hosted elsewhere, you will still want to add this domain as a Domain Pointer for one of your hosting accounts here, then use your Control Panel's Domain Manager to edit the DNS records for the Domain Pointer so that it points to the external host instead of your account here.
  3. Heroku is an application development platform, so it is elsewhere. :) Second option applies.

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