Upgrade from SQL Server 2008 R2 to 2012?

Discussion in 'Databases' started by paddleon, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. To take advantage of the SiteBackup package, apparently the minimum server version is 2012. Our sites are running 2008 R2.

    Could not find an upgrade path via the control panel and did not find a FAQ on how to achieve this.

    How to proceed?

    Will 2012 restore a 2008 R2 .bak file?

  2. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Here are instructions on how to update your database.

    Backup your current database:

    1) Log into the Winhost Control Panel at https://cp.Winhost.com
    2) Click on the Sites tab.
    3) Click on the link of the domain of the site you want to manage.
    4) Click on the MS SQL Manager button.
    5) Click on the Manage link next to the database you want to manage.
    6) Click on the Backup link.

    Create a new database:

    1) Log into the Winhost Control Panel at https://cp.Winhost.com
    2) Click on the Sites tab.
    3) Click on the link of the domain of the site you want to manage.
    4) Click on the MS SQL Manager button.
    5) Click on the Add button.
    6) Select the database version in the drop down list, name the database, set the quota, and then click on the Create button.

    Restore the database backup you created above:

    1) Click on the Manage link next to database you just created.
    2) Click on the Restore link.
    3) Click on the Browse link.
    4) Find and highlight the .bak file that you uploaded and click on the Select buton.
    5) Click on the Restore Backup button to initiate the restore and allow it to complete.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
    Michael likes this.

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