The remote host or network may be down.

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by stevozilik, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hi Guys,

    One of users of my website is having this problem when trying to connect to my website That's the first time I've heard anyone has problems connecting to it, I realize most likely it has nothing to do with you, could you still help me to understand what could be happening?

    The requested URL could not be retrieved


    While trying to retrieve the URL: link

    The following error was encountered:

    •Connection to Failed
    The system returned:

    (110) Connection timed outThe remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

    Your cache administrator is webmaster.

    Thanks a lot,
  2. Ray


    It really sounds like a disruption between that person and to our web server. It could be there ISP's backbone. But really its hard to say without some kind of traceroute test from there end. Can you have them to that on their computer? However, I checked your domain name and I also checked our server and I can't find any evidence that there are any problems.
  3. Hi Ray,

    thanks for support, he decided to reinstall the pc with Win7, as he is able to connect to my website from any other PC in his house sharing the same network...

    Best Regards,
  4. The client reeinstalled the PC and it didnt work at first, but then it started by some magic, anyway ignore this post please :)

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