Storing files in SQL

Discussion in 'Databases' started by superkew, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Hi

    I was hoping to use the file storage features that SQL 2008 uses. Namely the filestream attribute - to store files within the database and on the file system, instead of using straight blobs.

    I have a feeling that this might not be supported though. Could you please clarify?

  2. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    Thats correct, we do not support filestream. Can't use this feature in a shared server.
  3. What options do we have?

    I am trying to configure our database to store images. I tried using varbinary(max), but it doesn't seem to store as much as is advertised on MSDN for this datatype. How much do we actually have to work with?
  4. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    I'm not sure about the capacity for varbinary(max), however, an alternate solution would be to store the path information to the image itself. I know this may not be optimal if you have to move the database, but this is the best work around solution I can think of. As long as you have an idea of how you want to organize your image files, moving the database and image files shouldn't be too much of a problem as you can write an SQL script to rewrite the path information. There are also drawbacks to storing the image data inside the database such as search and retrieval time.

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