Did smartermail change its web certificates? Today I am getting the following warning message from Thunderbird apparently asking me to change the digital certificate for my site email server (SMTP). I am not an expert on mail so I'm not sure if this is a hacker trying to take control of my mail server. Any advice is appreciated. Thunderbird screen shots Note: (my domain name is removed from the screen shot for security) If I click the "View Certificate" button I see this.
More info... In the Winhost Control Panel Site Info panel list this SMTP/POP/IMAP: mail.MyDomainName.com when I click on the Site Tools icon for Email, it lists the following Email Information: SMTP: m06.internetmailserver.net POP3: m06.internetmailserver.net IMAP: m06.internetmailserver.net Webmail: m06.internetmailserver.net
The solution was found in the thread below https://forum.winhost.com/threads/is-there-an-error-in-your-security-certificate.20158/ ATTENTION: Forum admin feel free to delete this thread. I could not find a way to delete it.
Apple and Thunderbird have issued an update to force everyone to use TLS/SSL with their email clients. Fortunately we do have a SSL Certificate installed on our mail server that you can use with your email client. To get to the new host name. You need to log into the control panel. Click on Sites tab Click on your site account. Click on Email icon. In this case you will need to change your incoming and outgoing host names to: ##.internetmailserver.net