Request form in Control Pannel

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by IceyJoke, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Yesterday I've send you guys an email and i want to thank you for your support so fast and for your patience because iv asked you some questions, anyway one of them is if you guys can add more functionality to iis and i meant custom plugins from such as this :

    And you told me i don't have this feature in my iis but you can still activate for me server side, and that is very good. But i wonder, if a user would really want this, but they don't know, like i was i remember if i didn't had my first issue i would nor send that email to you for further questions.
    So maybe you can add a feature in control panel for this (Request extension) or something.
  2. Well, there are things that are "doable" but not necessarily good for server resources, so we don't expose them or make them easily usable. Things like bit rate throttling may save bandwidth but consume processing power and memory. From our perspective, using more bandwidth is preferable to using more CPU or memory, since those resources always have hard limits and bandwidth does not (or it has fewer limits).

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