Register Microsoft Interop DLLs?

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by jonj, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. I have an application that references the MS-Office DLLs. I believe these need to be in the GAC typically. On a shared host, you cannot add to the GAC. So, I am wondering if anyone knows any way to accomplish this type of reference? Could there be some kind of proxy? Perhaps a way to get the code, if it was open source (parts of the Office code is...), and include it in my own classes? Etc. :confused:

    ANY ideas appreciated! :)

    using Microsoft.Office.Core;
    using PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint;
  2. FredC

    FredC Winhost Staff

    A little bit more information

    InterOp basically is a proxy to a COM object registered to the server. You can put the InterOP dll in the bin directory and it will try instantiate the PowerPoint COM. Since PowerPoint is NOT installed on the server, the InterOp will fail.

    For this to work, PowerPoint will need to be installed on the server. Unfortunately, it is against Microsoft's licensing policy to install client application (Office) on the server.

    You'll have problem running this application in almost all shared hosting environments.
  3. This is good information, thanks. I got a VPS to help with that part of my project, so I could install Office.

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