problem in installing DotNetNuke

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by sadon, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Good day everyone,
    I have registred a domain with Winhost to run DNN on it. I have already uploaded DNN files and folders and configured the connection strings. However, I got an error i don't know how to fix. please look into my website to see the error:

    sorry if i have posted it in the worng place; i'm a newbie to both this forum and DNN.

    Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  2. please guys, i need your help.
  3. Ray


    The error message you are getting is an application error message.

    This means....

    Config section 'system.web/customErrors' already defined. Sections must only appear once per config file. See the help topic <location> for exceptions

    ... that you have two elements trying to set a custom error value. It is conflicting with one acount. Go to the line that error message is telling you and try commenting it out. Here is an example.

    <!--customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/-->
  4. Thank you Ray very much for you your help.

    I have done what you have instructed me to do, and it seems that error pertaining to "RemoteOnly" has disappeared. However I got another one, which i do not understand.
    Line 106:  </system.webServer>
    Line 107:  <system.web>
    Line 108:    <machineKey validationKey="F9D1A2D3E1D3E2F7B3D9F90FF3965ABDAC304902" decryptionKey="F9D1A2D3E1D3E2F7B3D9F90FF3965ABDAC304902F8D923AC" decryption="3DES" validation="SHA1"/>
    Line 109:    <!-- HttpModules for Common Functionality -->
    Line 110:    <httpModules>
    please look into the website once again for further details:

    again, thank you for the help. :)
  5. Ray


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  6. I did that Ray, but again another error:
    Compilation Error 
    Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. 
    Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'Config' is not declared.
    Source Error:
    Line 61:         ''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Line 62:         Private Sub Application_Start(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
    [COLOR="Red"]Line 63:             If Config.GetSetting("ServerName") = "" Then[/COLOR]
    Line 64:                 ServerName = Server.MachineName
    Line 65:             Else
    Source File: E:\web\se3dounc\dotnetnuke\App_Code\Global.asax.vb    Line: 63 
    please help.
  7. Ray


    Did you upload the database to the SQL server yet? You need to first run the DNN SQL script so that the tables and object are created on the SQL server. DNN relies heavily on the SQL database.
  8. Hello Ray,
    what i did is configuring the connetion strings provided by Winhost. Other than that, i have not done anything pertaining to the database. I was thinking that once dotnetnuke is configured correctly, it will, by itself, will setup the database and the tables inside.

    if i need to setup the database, please show me how to do it.

    thank you sir for the help.:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  9. Ray


    There should be an install folder in your 'DotNetNuke' folder. Navigate to that folder (Install) within your browser. Navigate to the page Install.aspx. If you run this, it should run the script to manually setup DNN and run the SQL script for you.
  10. Ray,
    I am not sure how to run the install.aspx remotely from Winhost server. I used FileZilla to open it, but when right clicking, there is no option to run it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  11. Ray


  12. still my friend Ray,

    I got another error:

    Compilation Error 
    Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. 
    Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'Config' is not declared.
    Source Error:
    Line 61:         ''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Line 62:         Private Sub Application_Start(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
    [COLOR="Red"]Line 63:             If Config.GetSetting("ServerName") = "" Then[/COLOR]
    Line 64:                 ServerName = Server.MachineName
    Line 65:             Else
    Source File: E:\web\se3dounc\dotnetnuke\App_Code\Global.asax.vb    Line: 63 
  13. i do not know guys, but is normal to get these errors? do they occure every time a new user wants to install dotnetnuke?

    please help.
  14. Ray


    I'm not sure where Config is supposed to be declared at in DNN.

    --Name 'Config' is not declared

    Maybe you should start from scratch and download a new DNN file from DNN's website and reupload a new clean version.
  15. will do.
  16. hello Ray again,:)
    Sorry for being late.
    I have done the installation all over again, and now dotnetnuke is working without errors. However, at the time of the first time configuration, I got a message that says (also, please look into the the attached snapshot) :

    [COLOR="Red"]Your site failed the permissions check.[/COLOR]
    Using Windows Explorer, browse to the root folder of the website ( E:\web\se3dounc\dotnetnuke ). Right-click the folder and select Sharing and Security from the popup menu. Select the Security tab. Add the appropriate User Account and set the Permissions. 
    If using Windows 2000 - IIS5
    The {Server}\ASPNET User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your website.
    If using Windows 2003, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 and IIS6 or IIS7
    The NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your Website.
    If using Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and IIS7.5
    The IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your Website.
    So, I downloaded and installed IIS7 Manager, and have connected to the site successfully but I do not konw how to set the file permissions.
    Please help me to set them.


    Attached Files:

  17. Ray


    There's no need to set any file permission. By default, the user name your application will use to run itself against IIS 7 (ASPNet IUSR) already has full read and write permission to your root and all files and folders inside it.
  18. but i got stuck with this page (the checking file permissions) and when i click Next button at the buttom of that page, it brings me back to the same page again (as to say i have not yet set the permissions!)
  19. Ray


    Some of our customers have posted this same issue before and it turns out to be a Trust level issue. In your web.config file set it to High or Full.

    Now I myself have not experienced this and I tried my best to replicate it on my end, but some of the postings in the forum has sworn that it fixed the problem so try giving it a shot. In all cases I can assure you that your ASPNet IUSR has Read and Write permission assigned to it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  20. now everything is set.

    Thank you very very much Ray for your help and support. I really do not know what to do without your help.

    Good luck and hope you the best in life. :)

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