New member, need help with web.config

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by PeterB, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Hi, I am a new member to Winhost - transferred from another hosting provider.

    Wondering if somewhere you had a standard web.config file that gives an example of:
    - Connecting to an SQL database, and
    - Code to enable AJAX on the website

    Also, I assume we just put AJAX dll in a "bin" directory ?

    Sorry for the questions - I thought I would find a brief intro on how to set this stuff up somewhere in the knowledge base, but I cannot.

    I know how it was setup with my only provider, but not sure what the rules are for Winhost.

    Help !

    Thanks, Peter
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  2. FredC

    FredC Winhost Staff

    Web.config file doesn't really perform any database connection, it is usually used for storing configuration information like connection string.

    Why don't you put your existing web.config on the server and see if you get any error? If you do, it's most likely a connection string issue. Post the connection string (without the uid/password), i can help you fix it.
    Michael likes this.
  3. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Hi Peter,

    I don't have a sample web.config file offhand, but it should be straightforward and most likely the same as your previous provider. If you need to connection string information for your Winhost database:

    1) Log into the Winhost Control Panel at
    2) Click on the Sites tab.
    3) Click on the Manage link next to the site you want to manage.
    4) Click on the MS SQL Manager button.
    5) Click on the Manage link next to the database you want to manage.

    The connection string information will appear at the bottom. Please remember to replace the ****** in the password section with your actual database password which is initially set to be the same as your site password. If you have forgotten it, use the Edit link next to Database Password to change it.

    This is after you have created the database. For AJAX, you're correct. You just need to add the assemblies to the /bin folder. If you downloaded the AJAX Control Toolkit using NuGet and added it to your project, then the assemblies will be placed in your local /bin directory and the XML markup to reference the assemblies will be added to your local web.config file. You just need to upload those to the server, and it should work straight out of the box, so to speak.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
    ComputerMan and Michael like this.

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