members' home page

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by vktorka, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. So far it took me 30 minutes to set up account, find out how to use their tools, connect website to Expression web, set up SQL and connect SQL Management Studio.

    So far I’m happy. The only strange thing is that the home page is full of announcements. I would prefer to have site manager as home page with link to announcements.
  2. Ray


    I'm assuming you're referring to the control panel. We prefer the homepage as the default startup page for the control panel because it gives out a lot of updated news on what maybe going on to the service. Specifally if any schedule maintenance is going to occur on the servers.
  3. Your service - yours rules. I'm ok with that. Especially taking into account that after setting all tools (expression Web, visual studio and SQL management Studio) I'll be using the Winhost members' are on rear occasions only.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  4. That's the case with most users at every host. You have to go to the account control panel quite a bit in the early days of the account, then may never go back for months. So when you are designing a control panel you have to balance between providing information and ease of access.

    Overall I think our Control Panel is pretty easy and quick to navigate. You don't lose much time getting to where you want to go from the initial announcements page.
  5. I second vktorka's request.

    I don't even bother reading there any more since it is basically the same as it was when I joined, I just click on the Site link and then the single site account that I have. So really for me at least having the start page always show up has resulted in the oposite effect, I will probobly never notice that you put up an important notification since I now just assume that it is just noice now.

    While it isn't really a big deal, it is extra time, and kind of annoying since I come to the cp to do a specific task.
  6. Okay, appreciate the feedback. I can see your point.

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