Make password access to the folder

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by guava, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. I have an ADMIN folder in my site and I want to make access to this by password. Please help me.
  2. Ray


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  3. I've done, now it asks for password but how to make users?
  4. When I click "Users" I get "This feature cannot be used because the default provider type could not be determined to check whether it is a trusted provider".
  5. Ray


    I'm not quite sure I understand you. Give me a URL and instructions on how I can see what you are seeing so I can better understand your situation.
  6. I open IIS manager, connect to my site, then select folder Admin I want to protect.

    Open Authorization rules and add "Deny Anonymous Users".

    All this is said in the article the reference to which you gave me.

    Now I really can't go to my folder Admin without entering login and password.

    My question is where I can get this info and how I can greate my own user to enter the folder Admin!

    I can give you my login and password to my site but personally if you wish.
  7. Ray


    This type of password protection is really for a single user instance. Meaning that you use the FTP login of your site for the login and password.

    If you want other people to input a login so that your site is protected will require you take a different route. After all you do not want to ge giving your FTP login to people.

    What you are looking for is to create forms authentication. The login credentials will be store on a SQL database. Basically what you are looking for is the same login structure like you would use for facebook, or twitter or something to that similar effect.

    This will require some coding. If you are new to ASP.Net coding and ASP.Net forms authentication then you may want to consult with an experienced .Net developer to help you out in this.

    But to get you started try looking at these links.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
    ftp login works! maybe it would be good to add to the article about entering with ftp credentials.
    I also succeeded with forms authentication.

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