How to enable SSI (Server Side Include - ServerSideIncludeModule)

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by wildgamehunt, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Hello,

    I'm trying to get my site up and it includes Server Side Include files (with the extension .shtm). I'm using IIS7 manager but can't find the SSI module ServerSideIncludeModule installed. Is there another way I can use SSI? I'm using the SSI #include feature, as in

    <!--#include file="includes/lastNav.htm"-->

    When I try to browse to a .shtm file in my web browser the browser tries to download the file, and when i rename the file to .html, the #include tags are not processed (it doesn't include the file) but simply passed to the browser.

    Can anyone help? It seems this requires Winhost staff to install the module.


    ~nat /
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  2. Ray


    SSI should already be enabled on server and all accounts. You may need to setup the MIME type for .shtm This is done within IIS 7 Manager.
  3. Thanks for your reply. I added a mime type for .shtm as "text/html" and now the index.shtm file is displayed like an html file - the #include statements are still not processed but simply passed on to the browser as-is. Can you please confirm that SSI is enabled for basic Winhost accounts?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  4. Ray


    What is the domain name to your account?
  5. Ray


    Never mind I saw and I am assuming that is the name.
  6. yes, that's correct.
  7. Ray


    Just go word from our Systems Admin. I was wrong. SSI is not supported on our servers. Sorry for that misinformation.
  8. There are easy ways to do includes with asp, .NET or even php if all you want to do is use a common header or database connection file. SSI is kind of antiquated.

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