Host Unlimited Domains

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by Guest, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What exactly do you mean by "Host Unlimited Domains" (says the same in both Basic and Max plans)

    What is the difference between "sites" and "domains" according to you? I see that there are two seperate sections in the control panel which say "Order new sites", "Order new Domains".

  2. Ray


    There is a lot of misunderstanding on the meaning of domain name. To be technical, domain names are not web sites. Web sites are the files you upload to a folder that is often refered to as a root folder. Domain names are merely an easy way to call on those files.

    People will tend to misinterpret that if you have a domain name you have a site. That is not quite true. You can register a domain name with a registrar and never associate it with a site. Or you can purchase a web hosting account upload files to the web server and never associate it with a domain name. You can either use a secondary URL they provide you or the IP address to pull up the site.

    When we refer to Unlimited domain names, it means that we allow you to point as many domain names to a root folder. So you can have a number of different domain names pulling up the same web page. This is often done for marketing reasons. An example are...,, All these are different domain names but they can point to the same web site. Someone that does this typically wants the .com, .net, .org covered.

    But on our system, you can have multiple domain names point to the same root directory, but setup some kind of redirect rule so that it opens its own web page. Now, bear in mind that you are using the same applicaiton pool. So if one site crashes, it will crash all the sites within that same application pool.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Unlimited Domains

    I would like to assk how under your Max plan I can manage say; thre different doains pointing to different directories: i.e. points to one site, then points to another and to another (all with separate emails) . I have been using anotehr companies resellers account to do this but ist too expensive so I am hoping to use your Max plan to achieve the same.

  4. Ray


    Our domain pointers do not have an email account, they do have domain aliases that will point to a POP account on our servers.
    To get a domain pointer redirected to a subfolder, you will need to code it using a redirect script. Additionally the IIS 7 URL Rewrite module gives you a graphical interface where you can setup some redirect rules.
  5. Ricardo

    Ricardo Guest

    Poor explanation

    Hi I think that your explanation is so poor. If your company really try to give a complete services must to explain better this topic. Unlimited host domain is an misleading advertising.
  6. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    We use the same terminology that other hosts use.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Decent explanation

    Domain aliasing and domain pointers are difficult to understand let alone explain. I know what both are and I thought the information provided here was accurate.
  8. Guest2

    Guest2 Guest

    No pointers or redirect-scripts needed

    How do so many other host-companies do true "multi sites" and "multi domains"?

    Windows hosting.
    No "pointers" needed.
    No "redirect script" needed.

    This is fully supported in IIS 5-6.

    Are you saying it's impossible under IIS7?
    Or that Winhost just doesn't do it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  9. Ray


    With IIS, other hosting companies pretty much do the same thing, meaning the redirect is done with a code on your app. Typically using a URL Rewrite rule. Its just they do it for you. We opened that module to our customers so that they can do it themselves. This provides the added benefit of being as flexible and complex with there URL Rewrite/Redirect rule as they want. Now, as for other hosting companies offering multiple web sites under one account with a different and isolated root directory, application pool, ASPNet IUSR, and access control lists, well that's hard to find. And even if you do find it, I would be a little weary. It sounds like they are putting everything under one box, over utilizing all its resources which can cause the entire server to be unstable.
  10. amk2010

    amk2010 Guest

    Well i think almost every hosting company offers Unlimited Domains/subdomains and so the Winhost :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No no no

    You almost convinced me, but have sites within the folders of other site, I think is disorganized and that cause me headaches.
  12. Ray


    I know times are tough and people are looking to cut cost and save money, but if the website is really important than it maybe worth it to host it on its own site account. You may want to look at our affiliate program to help cut cost when starting up a second site account.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  13. I'll throw my 2 cents in here -

    When I realized what Winhost means by "unlimited domains" I was a bit miffed, same as "Guest." However, I also realized two things -

    1. I can still host the domains the way I want, I just have the extra step of adding a URL Rewrite to my base web.config
    2. Other hosts actually host you the same way, they just create the directory pointer for you instead of you doing it yourself.

    Which pretty much makes things the same in the end.

    I rather like having control of the file structure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  14. Ray


    Thanks for that input. I guess for our part as members of this forum we can input a more detailed explanation on how to setup URL Rewrite. But than again, rewriting URL's can be really complicated depending on what ones trying to achieve.

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