Get VS2010 Login Template App To Work

Discussion in 'Databases' started by glass, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Hello everybody.

    I'm trying to get a Template project to work on Winhost. The non empty ASP.Net template that comes with VS2010 comes with a login screen and I have been able to get that to work localy. When I copy the project to Winhost and run it I get an error that says something like the sql server database or server doesn't exist. The template project uses a sql server database name ASPNETDB.mdf for membership, roles and user stuff. This database is stored in the App_Data folder. I copied the the whole project over to Winhost but theres a problem with dealing with the database when I click the register link. In the past whenever i had an project deal with a database on Winhost, the database name was supplied by Winhost and Winhost allows me one sql server database. Am I supposed to rename ASPNETDB.mdf to my Winhost databases's name? And am I supposed to get the ASPNETDB.mdf's contents; tables, view, and Stored Procedures into my existing DB? And how do I do that? And that's IF this is the correct way to deal with this; I wouldn't be surprised that this is not the way to deal with this. Anyone out there in land get one of these login template things to work on Winhost and be able to give me a hand with this? Please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  2. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015
  3. Ok, I'll try that then, thanks.
  4. I now have it working. Thanks.

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