Have recently started trying to set up Visual Web Developer Express to try to upload ASP VBScript database using FTP. Settings used: o Server: s02.Winhost.com o Port: 21 o Directory: blank o Passive Mode: checked (have tried unchecked) o Anonymous Login: unchecked, "DB_3606_bailgate93ht_user" o Password: ******* It seems to try 3 times and then I get this error message: "Unable to open website at 'ftp://s02.Winhost.com'. Could not find web server at s02.Winhost.com on port 21". Any help would be greatly received.
s02.Winhost.com is the SQL server, this is not the web server. You cannot FTP to the SQL server. That port has been closed. It only listens to database calls. Log into your hosting control panel and under the Site Info Manager, you will see the server name for the web server and you should see your primary FTP address and secondary FTP address.
Thanks for this reply. I have already up loaded my website files to the web server. How do I up load my database file to the SQL server then? Sorry but I am missing a bit here. Sounds reasonable that you can not FTP the SQL server. So how do you get your database file onto the SQL server?
You will need to use Database Publishing Wizard. This feature will script your database and run it against our SQL Server where it will create all the objects (tables and SP's and Triggers and data). http://support.Winhost.com/KB/a694/publishing-your-sql-2008-database-to-Winhost-sql-2008-server.aspx
I have already tried to upload the MS database using the steps in the Win Host guidance notes. I am using MS Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition as suggested by the notes. The steps say: right click on database mdb file and choose “Publish to Provider”. But that option isn't there!
Make sure you downloaded SQL Server Management Studio Express version 2008. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...c2-1d62-45f6-9a4a-4b76a8564a2b&displaylang=en This should have the Database Publishing Wizard component. By default it does not come with VS 2008.
Thanks. I have worked out that for high volume database work I would need SQL etc. but my site is very low volume. I have got the MS Database working with a STRING = "DSN=DSN_[DSN name]" The Database is inside a folder within the actual website folder and I have used ftp to get it there. I read this somewhere and it works. This does not have a high level of security however. Does anyone know of an improved string or more importantly the routing from the website files to the database which is inside the website files. Probably something like "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/DWDynamic/mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;" Any ideas?
You really need not worry about the connection string being passed over the internet. Because you are passing it within the same network it will never go out through the internet. But if you want the data transfer to be encrypted then you cannot do this with Access only with MS SQL.