Emailing other accounts besides postmaster

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by smather10, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. I send two emails in, one to the [email protected] and the other, an email account I set up: [email protected]. I receive the emails sent to [email protected] but I don't get the emails sent to [email protected].

    I've tried hard coding the email address in my email program. And, I've also tried including it in the config file. Both have been to no avail. These are the specific code:

    MailAddress mdFrom = new MailAddress(sFrom);
    MailAddress mdTo = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["FoodManager2"].ToString());
    MailMessage lobjMailMsg = new MailMessage(mdFrom, mdTo);


    MailAddress mdFrom = new MailAddress(sFrom);
    MailAddress mdTo = new MailAddress([email protected]);
    MailMessage lobjMailMsg = new MailMessage(mdFrom, mdTo);

    Please advise. Thanks.
  2. Ray


  3. Sorry. The receipt of the email just took a long time. I've successfully sent emails to both postmaster and [email protected] from my Outlook.
  4. Ray


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2015

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