email server connection strings

Discussion in 'Email' started by Bryson, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. I run an interactive site for secondary school science.
    I recently moved to Winhost and need to change the email connection strings so that the Learning management System (LMS) can send out emails.
    Unfortunately I have no idea how to change or integrate the new coding into my .asp file.

    My current connectionstring.asp has this:

    on error resume next

    dim connectionstring
    dim connectionstringcourse

    //connection strings for Microsoft Access format database.
    connectionstring="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("database/kplms.mdb") & "; Jet OLEDB:Database Password = knowledge;"
    connectionstringcourse="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("database/kpcourses.mdb") & ";"
    //connection strings for SQL Server format database. This may need to be altered based on your SQL Server database setup.
    //connectionstring="Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog = kplms7; User Id = sa; Password="
    //connectionstringcourse="Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog = kpcourses7; User Id = sa; Password="

    dim emailpath
    dim emailtype

    //string, in HTML, added to the beginning of every email

    //string, in HTML, added to the end of every email

    //string, in plain text, added to the end of the subject line

    //must be set to "CDONTS" or "CDOSYS"

    Function SendAnEmail(strTo, StrFrom, strSubject, strBody, strCC, StrBCC)
    on error resume next
    strBody=strBody & emailfooter
    strBody=emailheader & strBody
    strSubject=strSubject & emailtitlesuffix
    select case emailtype
    Case "CDOSYS"
    Dim ObjSendMail
    Dim iConf
    Dim Flds
    Set ObjMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    Set objConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
    Set Flds = objConf.Fields
    Flds.Item("") = 2
    Flds.Item("") =""
    ' ' Passing SMTP authentication
    Flds.Item ("") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
    Flds.Item ("") ="[email protected]"
    Flds.Item ("") ="rovers"

    Set objMessage.Configuration = objConfig
    objMessage.To = "[email protected]"
    objMessage.From = "[email protected]"
    objMessage.Subject = "New Task"
    objMessage.HTMLBody = "This is a test sent from CDO using smtp authentication."
    Case "CDONTS"
    set objMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
    With objMsg
    .To = strTo
    .From = strFrom
    .Subject = strSubject
    .MailFormat = 0
    .BodyFormat = 0
    .Body = strBody
    End With
    set objMsg=nothing
    end select
    End Function

    Function UploadAvatar()
    on error resume next
    Dim mySmartUpload
    Dim intCount
    Set mySmartUpload = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")
    mySmartUpload.AllowedFilesList = "gif,png,jpg,jpeg"
    mySmartUpload.MaxFileSize = 100000
    For each file In mySmartUpload.Files
    If not file.IsMissing Then
    newfilename = Round(((2147483647 * Rnd) + 1), 0) & "." & right(file.filename,3)
    file.SaveAs("/avatars/" & newfilename)
    End If
    if err then
    response.redirect "fileuploaded2.html?filename=" + myfolder
    response.redirect "fileuploaded.html?filename=" + newfilename
    end If
    end function

    //* Version 7. Do Not Remove or Edit This Line/*

    Winhost support has given me this:
    set objMessage = createobject("cdo.message")
    set objConfig = createobject("cdo.configuration")
    Set Flds = objConfig.Fields

    Flds.Item("") = 2
    Flds.Item("") =""

    ' ' Passing SMTP authentication
    Flds.Item ("") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
    Flds.Item ("") ="[email protected]"
    Flds.Item ("") ="password"

    Set objMessage.Configuration = objConfig
    objMessage.To = "[email protected]"
    objMessage.From = "[email protected]"
    objMessage.Subject = "New Task"
    objMessage.HTMLBody = "This is a test sent from CDO using smtp authentication."

    But I have no idea how to proceed.
    I hope someone can help.
    Thanks in anticipation
    Bryson Dalgleish
  2. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    There are a few things you might need to change such as this:

    A path to the root of your site account can be found in the Control Panel.

    Where it says "" in the code we provided you, you probably need to replace it with the domain name in your site.

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