After purchasing another site and domain to host a DNN site, I was going through adding various parts I wanted, having checked the feature list of the Community Edition Winhost provide. However when looking through the list of modules available, niether forum or blog is on there. Raised a ticket, to which the response was basically "sorry, third party application, not our problem, go ask on the forums". Any ideas how to get the forum extension on a Winhost DNN installition?
Hello, We refer you to the forum simply because we do not have official documentation for DNN nor knowledge base for it. You might want to see this link for a same question in DNN forum (answered by DNN staff)
Sorry for the delayed reply, but just saw this. I'd highly recommend the YAF.NET extension. You can find out more about it at A developer called Watchers has ported the full YAF install into a DNN module. It works quite well, though you do need to watch how much stuff you turn on. The actual extension is hosted at CodePlex.